Monday I took JM went to the doctor for his 4 month checkup and J met us there. JM loves being stripped down to his diaper and squirming all around the exam table. Dr B. said everything looked good. He weighed 15 pounds 0.5 ounces and was 24.5 inches long!!
Then it happened...the nice fun doctor went away and that woman came in (nurse J really is a sweet nurse...JM just doesn't think so since she always sticks him). he had to drink one vaccine and he got one shot in one leg and then 2 more in the other. Poor baby...the daffy duck bandaids didn't make it any better either. We rubbed his legs hoping they would not be sore. Once he stopped crying we loaded him up and left. I took him back home while J went back to work. JM slept for about 2 hours after we got home. Around 3:30pm thats when it happened...JM cried and screamed and nothing, I mean nothing, would calm him down. That is when I had to play the part of the human pacifier for about 1.5 hours. His legs were really sore and had knots on them from the shots and he had a little fever. He was fine on Tuesday, and played and cooed like normal.
Oh and JM LOVES this monkey. I got it with our Pampers points. Its the best thing ever. C said that he was screaming today and C put the monkey in front of JM and he stopped and just stared at it. I love this monkey!