So people have been asking me "are you going to start a blog?" I thought to myself...when will I have time??? With a 10 week old, a dog whom doesn't get enough attention, and a husband who has lots of projects going on, when can I sit down a blog?? Well, since I'm off on Mondays, I'll make that day my blogging day (we'll see how long that lasts).
JM has been smiling for about 2 weeks now. He actually wakes up smiling, even if he was just crying, I go in his room and he stops crying to smile as if he's saying "Good Mornin' Mom & Dad!!" He's been sleeping through the night, at least 7 hours straight...lets hope he keeps this habit up :) The last 10.5 weeks have flown by, JM is outgrowing clothes, sitting up in his Bumpo chair (Thanks M.E.), and carrying on baby talk conversations with us.
Everyone kept telling J and I that your life is about to change. Well duh, we're having a baby of course its going to change, right?? Well I have realized that they were all right, but the change has been more than I ever could have imagined. Its not just a loss of sleep, or feeding James every 3 hours...its an emotional change. We are now a Mommy and Daddy!!! On Mother's Day I called my mom to tell her happy moms day and my dad told me Happy Mothers Day...Wow we both felt old, but it was in a cool way. It was a holiday we always celebrated for my mom but today I was also celebrated. We went to Carabas for lunch at 2:30 and there was a 30 minute wait!!! I guess everyone else thought they'd wait until 2:30 also to eat lunch. It was yummy! JM slept through the whole thing, which was fine by us. I also got a sweet card from J that he and JM signed (J put the pen in JM' hand and wrote his name). Oh, my other gift was 9 hours of straight sleep from JM!! That's right he slept 9 hours straight!!!!
Here are a few pics of JM:
Deep thoughts...

The Bumpo chair rocks!!

Relaxing and watching the Firemen on TV

Pinky (the elephant) and JM love the playmat!!
We went to Panoply Arts Festival and heard the Fiddlers competition...JM really liked squirming around to the music!!
Yesterday I made the most delicious Monkey Bread with a mix from Williams Sonoma (I only bought it cause it was half off). It took a lot longer than expected...mainly cause the directions were in paragraph form and took up the whole backside of the box!!! Come on, I know that I should use oven mitts (yes, it actually said to use oven mitts)!!!
I am so excited you've joined the blogging world!!! JM is PRECIOUS!!! And that monkey bread looks so yummy!!! Can't wait to read more about all your adventures! :)