We had a very busy weekend. First, my parents came up and spent Friday night with us. We went to eat Chinese at our favorite little spot, Ding How II (I have no idea where Ding How I is) and for the first time a stranger (our waitress) reached into the carrier to touch JM. Now, I have no problem with people I know wanting to touch his cute little hands or feet, but if I don't know you don't touch my baby, especially while he's sleeping! To make it even worse it was like she was trying to wake him up...do I go to your home and poke you when your asleep woman??? We pulled the shade part of the carrier up to deter any more unwanted touching and it worked. OK, rant over. Besides that dinner was yummy.
The next morning we got up played with JM and went antique shopping. JM and Dad are pretty quick shoppers cause Mom and I were only half way through and Dad had pushed JM all around the store. We found a few treasures, a cabinet for moms crystal figures and a humingbird feeder hanger for me. Oh and a record of George Wallaces inaguration. We had some Boston Butt for lunch and then the grandparents went back to the Ham.
Grandad playing with JM on the playmat

Sunday our friends T and H came from Nashville. H is 5 months pregnant (with a little boy) and JM showed her how good little babies can be. He played on his play mat the whole time. We also made a Babies R Us run and gave H the low down on the necessary baby items to get. We saw a walker that is a Jeep...JM may be getting that :). T and J worked on T's Jeep the whole time...JM really wanted to join in but I think he's too young to start that addiction.
Monday we just did stuff around the house, nothing too interesting. JM spent some time out in the garage watching J work on the Jeep. I really think that he can sleep through anything...J was using the air tools and JM would sleep through it.

Oh, I for got to mention that Thursday at C and A's house (where JM stays Tues-Thrus) "little dude", as A refers to JM, got smacked in the forehead by a school bus. Big dude (A) was playing with his toy cars and it was an accident. No worries just a small scrape, nothing big. In his baby book I think I'll put down "At 11 weeks JM was hit by school bus and survived". :)
Well I think we've covered it all...JM is passed out in my lap as I type this...he can't be comfy in this position:

He's a sleepy little dude :)
I am so glad JM is ok after being hit by a school bus. That's DEFINITELY one for the baby book! :)